Level Building Is On Track

Things are clipping along at a promising rate. I’m almost done building all the movement zones for the first batch of levels. It’s exciting to be able to get things done so quickly. I’m running into a couple of landscapes that I didn’t expect and will likely have to build some additional combat scenes. Right now I’m looking at building a beach front and a bridge. The next step will be building out the enemy units and the level texts. I’m also contracting some more music, and some writing for the levels.

This is the second week that I’ve written a blog on my website. I’m trying to keep this pretty regular, but I won’t make any promises. It’s likely that not a lot of people are reading these but at the very least it will be good to have something to look back at.

This week I also sent some additional information to Steam to get the ball rolling. It’s exciting to be at this stage. I’m not entirely sure how I’ll handle it as I know that the general gamer audience can be harsh sometimes. It’s my first release and I think it’s important to be as authentic about it as I can be. I know that there are going to be some rough edges to the game, but the bottom line for me will be that I finished something that’s functional and as good as I can make it.

This past year I did a lot of self development and it’s become applicable in so many areas that I’m glad I made the decision to take the time to learn. One of the lessons that I learned was about being “free from outcomes.” The idea is that I go into an uncertain situation with the best of intentions while giving as much value as I can. If the situation goes well then my day is only 1% better, and if it doesn’t go well then that’s fine I still have value, and I don’t draw my value from the situation. No matter what happens I’ll be moving into my next project after I finish this one.